March 2, 2023

Applying Real World Big Data Analytics to Generative AI

Applying Real World Big Data Analytics to Generative AI
Generative Causality


Causal inference and generative AI represent two rapidly advancing fields in artificial intelligence. Causal inference models uncover cause-and-effect relationships from observational data. Generative AI synthesizes new data samples based on learning the distributions of existing training data. Combining these complementary technologies can enhance cybersecurity capabilities for organizations. This outline explores the synergies and potential issues with using causal inference and generative AI together.

Causal Inference Overview

Causal inference algorithms model relationships between variables to predict how interventions on causes will impact effects downstream. Key capabilities enabled by causal inference include:

Discovering root causes driving observed events;
Forecasting effects of actions using counterfactual evaluation;
Adapting to changing data patterns by updating causal graphs;
Conducting what-if analysis to simulate hypothetical scenarios.

Generative AI Overview

Generative adversarial networks, variational autoencoders, and other generative models create synthetic data similar to original training datasets. Key capabilities of generative AI include:

Learning the distributions of existing data samples;
Producing new realistic but randomized data points;
Infilling missing or incomplete data attributes;
Identifying anomalies that differ from expected distributions;
Synergies Between Causal and Generative AI.

Causal inference and generative AI can complement each other in key ways:

Generative data augmentation improves causal model training with more, balanced samples;
Causal graphs help ensure generative data maintains true underlying attribute relationships;
Generative anomalies provide causal models with more threat data to analyze;
Causal analysis determines if generative data preserves expected cause-effect logic;
Together, causal inference and generative AI enable more robust threat modeling, detection, and response.

Use Cases and Applications

Potential applications leveraging both causal and generative AI:

Generate synthetic endpoint activity to train insider threat prediction models;
Augment real network data with fake intrusions to expand threat hunting datasets;
Enhance fraud analysis by infilling missing transaction details with generative data;
Evaluate generative phishing emails using causal linguistics models to identify deception;
Predict impacts of patching vulnerabilities using generative pen testing samples;
Forecast spread of IoT botnets using generated adversarial infection patterns;

Challenges to Consider

However, there are open challenges to address:

Ensuring generative data quality does not introduce false or biased relationships;
Difficulty in applying counterfactual analysis to synthetic data lacking realism;
Identifying the appropriate balance between real and generated data;
Validating causal models trained on mixed real and generative data;
Inability to interpret complex generative model behaviors and outputs;
With thoughtful integration, causal and generative AI can enhance the robustness, flexibility, and scalability of cyber defense capabilities.

Use Cases and Applications

Potential applications leveraging both causal and generative AI:

Generate synthetic endpoint activity to train insider threat prediction models;
Augment real network data with fake intrusions to expand threat hunting datasets;
Enhance fraud analysis by infilling missing transaction details with generative data;
Evaluate generative phishing emails using causal linguistics models to identify deception;
Predict impacts of patching vulnerabilities using generative pen testing samples;
Forecast spread of IoT botnets using generated adversarial infection patterns;

Challenges to Consider

However, there are open challenges to address:

Ensuring generative data quality does not introduce false or biased relationships;
Difficulty in applying counterfactual analysis to synthetic data lacking realism;
Identifying the appropriate balance between real and generated data;
Validating causal models trained on mixed real and generative data;
Inability to interpret complex generative model behaviors and outputs;
With thoughtful integration, causal and generative AI can enhance the robustness, flexibility, and scalability of cyber defense capabilities.


Causal inference and generative AI offer complementary strengths for cybersecurity. Used together, they enable organizations to uncover threats from limited data, evaluate defenses thoroughly, and predict attacks more accurately. To maximize synergies, teams should strategically combine real and synthetic data while prioritizing model interpretability. With responsible implementation, causal and generative AI can take cybersecurity to the next level.